Saturday 29 June 2024

What's happening with the Gambling watchdog investigation?

The Met Police have clarified their situation

What about No 10 and the Politicos - because of necessity that's where the source trail started

I know, experienced it in 1970 - ‘’go back home now Gwynoro, Harold is announcing on Monday (27th) a General Election for June 18)’’

Could there possibly be some dragging of feet going on over the general election betting scandal to avoid any further embarrassment to the PM and No10 before July 4?

One of #RishiSunak's protection team has already been arrested on suspicion of misconduct in public office and the #MetPolice have confirmed that a further 6 officers have been identified as having placed bets on the timing of the elections.
On the political side it is also known that his former Parliamentsry Secretary, 4 other Tory election candidates/HQ staff and a Tory Senedd member in Wales are under investigation by the gambling watchdog over alleged bets on the timing of the General Election. Intriguingly Sunak’s PPS ( Craig Williams) and the Tory Senedd member (Russell George) represent the same constituency (Montgomeryshire).
However the #GamblingCommission are endeavouring to find out who else knew or were told in advance when the general election would be held.
By the very nature of things extensive discussions and analyses would have been going on for some time prior to May 22nd the day the PM announced that July 4 was to be election day. He did not just wake up on morning of 22nd and at the spur of the moment decided ‘tell you what think I’ll hold an election in six weeks time - July 4’
It’s not how it works. So people on the inside obviously knew and were in the loop. But the question is who were they and did they pass on the date via the old pals network with a nod and a wink!
In an attempt to get it clarified reported that the Gambling Commission has spoken to Rishi Sunak’s chief of staff (Liam Booth-Smith) to try and clarify who within the PMs circle at No10 and Tory HQ could have known about the date of the General Election before it was announced. Sunak has so far refused to publicly reveal who was in on the decision.
So issue now is could there possibly be more than just the 6 Tory politicos already identified in on all this. In fact there are reports in the media suggesting the final number could be up to 15 election candidates/officials. But this has not been confirmed yet.
As always time will tell.
For clarification the Gambling watchdog role is focused on allegations of cheating, while the Police are investigating could there be additional offences involved such as misconduct in public office - a more serious charge.

Tell you how I know how it works

In 1970 I was Labour candidate for Carmarthen and the Research and Communications Officer for Labour in Wales then based in Charles Street, Cardiff.

The Regional Secretary Emrys Jones, his two assistants and me were first given the nod that after the good results for the party in the May 1969 local elections, PM Harold Wilson was going to call a General Election for sometime mid June - but we were not given the exact date then. However this enabled us to book advertising hoarding sites, start preparing election material and alerting the 36 constituency party officers to start their own preparations.
On May 24-26 the Welsh party held its annual conference in Llandudno and I travelled up on the Friday. Later the evening of the 24th the General Secretary of the party, Ron Hayward, was present and he pulled me on one side - ‘’go back home now Gwynoro, Harold is announcing on Monday (27th) a General Election for June 18)’’ . The party regarded Carmarthen as a must win seat in Wales.

I immediately rang Ivor Morris, the party’s agent in the constituency asking him to call the Executive Committee to an urgent meeting for the Sunday afternoon to finalise our campaign. So at least 30 plus party members in Carmarthen were told the election date before Wilson actually announced it on the Monday. Daresay many others in key marginal seats across the country would have had the same inside information passed on to them.
So definitely it is more than highly probable a lot of Tory people would have known before hand of Sunak’s July 4 general election date - most certainly his PPS Craig Williams, the two Tory HQ officers that have been named by the gambling watchdog and one or two others inside No 10.

Its what they did with the information that matters.

Saturday 22 June 2024

To achieve a Sovereign Wales requires even more determined and relentless campaigning. BUT ....

Enough has been said and written, time for positive action

Time to set up something akin to citizen assemblies and most importantly establish a Wales Standing Convention.

Since the 1970s I was a strong advocate of a Federal U.K. and Home Rule for Wales. Joined Yes Cymru very early on in 2015 when membership was only starting to grow. Used to attend the AGMs. In 2016 spoke in two of its earliest rallies when the crowds back then were couple of hundred. The growth in membership and especially the unquestioned success of the AUOB rallies is a source of inspiration.

But these days it is also clear that the devolution settlement is not at all secure and since Brexit attempts made to undermine devolution. Then we have Boris Johnson calling it a ‘mistake’. Labour on the other hand speaks with a forked tongue and in recent times very ambivalent over future powers for the Senedd. The party's general election manifesto is pathetically weak on this, whilst in a recent interview the Shadow Welsh Secretary, Jo Stevens was pretty dismissive as well. I fear some return to a greater role for the Welsh Office in her thinking - that will be significant set back.

So things seem to be at a crossroads - with a high danger that nothing much will happen. The silence over what to do with the recommendations of the Independent Commission on future governance of Wales speaks volumes.

During the last decade I have been an advocate for a free and Sovereign Wales within the community of nations. The challenge is how to achieve this in the 21st century

Reality is that it took best part of 100 years for U.K. governments to recognise Wales as a land and nation and to even reach the point of a Senedd that has less powers than Scotland or indeed Northern Ireland.

What is more our Senedd is encumbered with financial and legal constraints placed upon it by Westminster. Looming over everything is the Sovereignty of the UK Parliament, conventions and legal rulings, and the absence of a written constitution.,

To achieve a Sovereign Wales will undoubtedly require even more determined and relentless campaigning.

Making a brief contribution in AUOB rally in Carmarthen is an honour and not only will it be a source of memories past but to impress on a much younger audience to hold firm to the faith; as post General Election Wales will face many challenges over its future governance but there also will be significant opportunities too as the years unfold. Building a structure and develop a roadmap that will lead to a Sovereign Wales is now essential. Engaging with the people on a wider forum than rallies.

We have gone through a five year period where the future of Wales has been talked about ad nauseum. There are more than sufficient articles, podcasts, videos, campaign rallies, Blogs, booklets, books and even Commission reports available for public consumption. In essence there is no more to be written or said on the various options to be considered over the future governance of Wales. What is urgently required now is ACTION.

Its time to set up something akin to citizen assemblies and most importantly establish a Wales Standing Convention to move forward. Bringing together representatives from civic society, local government, trade unions, academic institutions, voluntary and charitable organisations, and political organisations.

Issue is do we have the will to do this?