He railed against the Washington ‘establishment’
- but now he is the establishment!
Why did Trump win?
Where does it place the USA at present and how
will Trump behave as a President?
The disconnect in US society –
akin to the Brexit outcome in the UK
How easy it is to build resentment against the 'centre' -whether London, Brussels of Washington
So along comes a maverick and a dangerous buffoon! and offers false solutions.
What went wrong for Hillary Clinton?
The complacency part is
obvious: Until about 9 p.m. Eastern time on Nov. 8, supporters of Hillary
Clinton (myself included) were certain that Donald Trump’s weaknesses among
women, non-white voters and younger Americans would prevent him from becoming
This analysis was half-right: Trump lost
the popular vote by more than 2 million. But things went just wrong enough for
Clinton in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania to give Trump his
electoral-college victory. His combined margin in the three states stands at
about 100,000. Roughly 134 million votes have been counted nationwide.
Is pointing to the limits of Trump’s
victory simply a way of evading the depth of the Democrats’ plight? After all,
they also failed to take over the U.S. Senate in a year many Republican
incumbents looked vulnerable. They picked up a
paltry six seats in the House. Add to this the large-scale losses of
governorships and state legislatures since the Democrats’ recent high point in
2008 and you have the makings of a party-wide nervous breakdown.